Remote Monitoring of HVAC Systems is More Important Than Ever

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You or your building manager aren't always on-site or online 24/7 to troubleshoot every HVAC issue that occurs. That's where remote monitoring makes your life a lot easier

Image of a Hand touching a Smart Building

Depending on the age and type of HVAC system, that might mean revamping or enhancing the HVAC systems and processes to ensure that the building’s air conditioning and ventilation system keeps everyone safe and healthy.

With pressures on Businesses to lower costs and save energy, IoT remote monitoring systems can easily provide insights into how much individual items in a buildings HVACR system are consuming, and also identify how, why and when energy is being consumed.

Pages 30-32 of this article in the September issue of FMJ discuss the use case of BMS, IAQ, Energy Reductions and Remote Monitoring of BMS systems in particular. As you know not all buildings have a BMS, so the alternative is a quick low-cost remote monitoring system using IoT technology.

Here below are some of the most significant reasons that show why remote monitoring of HVAC systems is more Important than ever and it isn't just about BMS

Set Up an HVAC Continuous Commissioning Plan

Having a continuous commissioning plan that is measurable and repeatable is the only way to guarantee the ongoing performance of the systems that are installed in your building(s). Having an HVAC continuous commissioning plan is crucial in normal circumstances, but in the wake of COVID-19, ensuring that your HVAC systems are operating at nothing less than peak efficiency is absolutely essential.

With a HVAC continuous commissioning plan and system in place, you can keep tabs on how your HVAC systems are performing, and address any issues that arise, and keep efficiency at optimal levels.

If you don’t measure the performance of the installation to confirm it is working as the day it was commissioned and handed over, then you are simply guessing. And as occupants return to your building, you’re going to go above and beyond mere guessing.

As you can see from this recent post on LinkedIn this is the result if things are allowed to drift, and what you can do to stop it happening.

LinkedIn Post showing Performance Drift

In this LinkedIn post above, they have rightly suggested a process of continuous commissioning which can be done automatically to some extent, but will still need someone to undertake manual remote monitoring.

Once you’ve developed and launched an HVAC continuous commissioning remote monitoring plan, and made sure your building managers and HVAC contractors are on board with that plan too, you’ll need to monitor it to guarantee success.

Luckily, you wont be sat in front of Your Remote Monitoring system all day and every day!

Its a fact. You can't be expected to monitor your systems 24/7. That’s where remote HVAC remote monitoring sensors come into their own – especially ones that are IoT battery powered devices on the LoRaWan network that can connect with the BMS, as they’ll allow you to keep tabs on the performance of your HVAC system no matter where you are. The system will automatically alert via email and text you to any issues, enabling you to log-in at any time to view and deal with any potential problems.

Maintaining the Optimal Level of HVAC Efficiency

While an HVAC continuous commissioning plan will for instance let you assess how efficient the internal air quality is, it won’t ensure that the air quality is at the level you want it to be. To accomplish this, you need to have the tools and resources necessary to take the IAQ data and put it to good use. That might mean having to make physical changes to the Ductwork configuration, by installing zone dampers to introduce local fresh air to those areas affected.

Once again, this is where remote HVAC continuous commissioning and monitoring can be the solution you need. With a cloud-based IoT Remote Monitoring system, you can remotely monitor your HVAC performance, identify areas where the quality is lacking, and then seamlessly share that information with the relevant technicians or engineers who will go and address the source of the issue. To summarise where BMS and IoT systems are, this great article hits it right on the head

According to ACHRNews – 60% of HVAC systems are operating below the original design specifications. Not only does that mean your building will consume more energy, but it will cost more money to operate! It also means that those HVACR systems aren’t working as they should. A continuous commissioning remote HVAC monitoring system will help you make sure your systems aren’t a part of that 60%.

Monitoring and Improving Indoor Air Quality

When it comes down to it, the ultimate goal of maintaining an optimal level of HVAC efficiency is to reduce energy consumption (based on varying occupancy) and improve indoor air quality . If you don’t already have an extensive HVAC IAQ monitoring system, here are a few reasons to start, as listed by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

  • It helps you assess the extent of pollution in the air.

  • It supports the development and implementation of your HVAC quality control plan.

  • It evaluates the effectiveness of your emission control strategies.

  • It provides you with information on any HVAC trends your building is exhibiting.

  • It makes it easy to diagnose any areas where your HVAC systems need improvement.

  • It supports research (e.g., long-term studies of the health effects of air pollution), which will inevitably help you continue to improve indoor air quality.

The building occupants are more aware of the air they’re breathing (and the potential germs that air carries) than they’re used to, so you must reassure them that your building is only producing the highest quality air. That can be achieved via IoT continuous IAQ monitoring and displaying the information on various screens throughout the building including the entrance and floors they occupy.

If there is a problem with your air quality, you can prewarn the occupants and if necessary send them home and use your remote HVAC monitoring system to pinpoint the cause of the problem and find a quick solution. That’s the power of a cloud based system such as those from EnviroLogik.

If you’re looking for a way to remotely and seamlessly manage your building’s HVAC systems, get in touch with us today to see first hand how EnviroLogik can help you make remote HVAC monitoring a standard in your facility.

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